Law Offices of Amy G. Bellhorn, PLLC

When I was 15, I decided to become an attorney as a voice for the injured and the disabled after being involved in a serious accident. I understand exactly what it feels like to be treated by others differently and not have my voice heard, because of an injury. I have a passion and desire to help others as an attorney and treat them with respect, dignity and sincerity. After graduating from Stetson University College of Law in 2000 and then working at several law firms, I founded my own law firm in 2006 based on these qualities.

Besides being a voice for the injured and the disabled in Social Security Disability, SSI, Child’s SSI and Auto Accident cases, I also have the privilege to represent people in a variety of other areas of law such as: Traffic Tickets and DUI’s, Criminal Defense, Real Estate, Immigration, Wills & Trusts, and some parts of Family Law. I practice cases in the Tampa Bay Area and surrounding areas, but for Social Security cases I do them locally and also nationally. I am also a Florida Certified Circuit-Court and County-Court Mediator.

We provide a FREE consultation, which consists of a case intake and an evaluation of your case including an estimate of the cost. For Social Security and Auto Accident cases, these are contingent-fee cases, and I am not paid unless we win the case, excluding on Social Security Cessation cases.

If you’d like a FREE consultation on your case, our preferred way is for you to fill out our online form 24/7, and we will get back with you as soon as possible. However, you may also call our office at (727) 822-7121 or email us at

For a FREE consultation 24/7:

The quickest and preferred way is by filling out and submitting our online form, and we will get back with you ASAP. If you’d prefer not to fill it out, you may also call the office at (727) 822-7121 or send an email to

Contact Form







Please choose one

Social Security Disability and/or SSI
Child’s SSI
Auto Accidents
Traffic Tickets
DUI & Criminal
Real Estate
Wills & Trusts
Family Law